How Safe Is Your Stuff? What Belongs In Your Home Safe

Are your valuables secure? If you use a fireproof home safe, then you can rest easy knowing that important documents, cherished family keepsakes, and prized valuables are tucked safely away. Depending on the size, things that belong in your home safe include: Your family's original birth certificates. You may need these, especially if you travel, so keep them handy and in your safe. You should also tuck your passports and original social security cards in the home safe, too, for the same reason. Read More 

Tips For Setting Boundaries With Your Tenants In A Multi-Family Home

If you have decided to purchase a home that is able to accommodate more than one family and live in one section while renting the other sections out, you are going to have a steady form of income while you have these tenants. This is an awesome way to make sure that your standard of living remains comfortable and that you are able to offset the price of the building. However, it can also be stressful living in the same home as your tenants because you will have a variety of their concerns to address and they will be able to reach you at pretty much any time. Read More 

Top Benefits Of Selling Your Home Through A Real Estate Agent

If you are thinking that now is the time to sell your home, you might want to consider using a real estate agent. Sure, they take a small commission, but you will soon see that the benefits you gain from using their services are well worth it. They Can Reach A Larger Audience The more people that come across the listing of your home for sale, the more likely it is that your home will sell quickly. Read More 

How to Attract Luxury Renters without Luxury Amenities

Many landlords would like to attract tenants with high living standards so they don't have to deal with problems that come from tenants with poor credit, low incomes, or bad habits that affect property value. While you can always find good tenants with proper screening, there are some things you can do to attract tenants of a higher caliber, even when your property doesn't offer all the latest and greatest appliances and features. Read More 

Tips For Making Your Property Management Service Mobile-Friendly

With mobile websites and tools becoming increasingly popular in this demanding society, more things are becoming accessible through mobile services. From banking to email, mobile apps make many things possible with the devices at your fingertips. If you want to increase your chances of landing quality tenants in the rental property that you manage, you'll want to capitalize on the mobile tools available to you. Here's a look at a few mobile tools that you should provide as part of your property management plan. Read More