Buying A New Home With An Autistic Child: Important Features To Consider

When you have an autistic child, it can change everything about your usual routine and how you live your life. However, when it is time to buy a new home and move, it can bring along specific challenges that many other home buyers do not face. The key to making sure you and your family are happy and comfortable in the new place is to plan in advance and know what you want. Here is a look at a few property features to look for when you are shopping for family homes and have an autistic child:

Opt for a single-level home if you can. 

Some autistic children have problems with motor skills that can make stair climbing hard, but more than anything else, having a single-level home is a matter of safety. If a hoe has an upper level, you may have to be concerned about your child being in a different level of the home, so keeping a safety gate on the steps becomes necessary. Plus, windows on the upper level of a home may need to be covered with security gates or locking mechanisms to keep your child from climbing out and risking a fall. 

Look for sound-proof qualities. 

It is well known that autistic children are more sensitive to sound than a normal child. Therefore, sounds happening outdoors can easily cause them distress. While it may be ideal to pick a more secluded property that doesn't have a lot of commotion around the house, this is not always possible. However, family homes in urban areas sometimes have soundproof qualities to ward off noise from the busy streets outside or the surrounding neighbors. Make sure you ask about soundproof qualities, such as sound-insulating walls and windows when you are looking at a home with an agent. 

Check for overall security. 

There is a list of other property features that will make your life at home with an autistic child much easier, especially where security is concerned. You should be looking at things like:

  • How close is the property to the road?
  • Is there is a safe place for outdoor play?
  • Are there property features like a pool or balcony that could be problematic?

By listing what you want and don't want in a new home before meeting with a real estate agent, you can easily track down a property that will fit your needs and the needs of your child. 
